Ballacottier Primary School is committed to providing an inclusive education for all pupils and ensuring that pupils needs are met through additional support using a variety of intervention strategies.

We aim to provide a supportive yet challenging atmosphere in which the achievement and successes of all pupils are recognised and valued.

A child who has been identified as having Additional Educational Needs (A.E.N.) may have a Personal Educational Plan (P.E.P.) drawn up by their class teacher and monitored by the Additional Needs Manager (Mr Allen-Snell). This will be reviewed every term and discussed with parents, and the child when appropriate. It will outline short-term targets for the child and specify resources and strategies to enable them to be achieved.

Additional support may also be provided by other professionals including speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and from the school nursing team where required, who all visit the school.

On occasion it may be necessary for the school to receive advice from the Educational Psychologist, the Education Support Centre (ESC) or the Child and Adolescent Mental Health professionals (CAMHs). Parental permission and agreement will always be sought before contacting such agencies.

Dealing with Disabilities

We would not wish for any pupils to be placed at a disadvantage and we would aim to ensure the fullest possible access to the curriculum and the physical environment. It would therefore be helpful, before a child starts school, if the parents could inform us of any disability so that we can ensure every possible care is taken.