Children of primary school age benefit from a balanced regime of work and play. We do not ask children to undertake home learning by the setting of formal homework tasks to a rigid timetable but some home learning does take place. Children have a Home Learning Book for home and school to communicate. This has information about school expectations, passwords for online apps to be used to support classroom learning at home and some tasks to help consolidate learning at school.

Children may be given age appropriate words, spellings or multiplication tables to learn at home. Your support in helping them to learn would be appreciated.

Older children are sometimes asked to research and study for projects and may also be given on going work to reinforce and consolidate classroom learning. This may take the form of a learning log. The amount of home learning we ask the children to undertake increases as they become older. Children in Years 5 and 6 benefit from the discipline of home learning and it is a good preparation for their future school careers. Year 6 pupils sometimes access their home learning through the online Application ‘Teams’.

All children are able to take home from school their reading books every day and teachers will indicate how much reading at home they consider to be appropriate. Reading books will be changed when the teacher makes a professional decision that it is appropriate to do so. Please try to spend some time with your child as we consider regular reading a vital part of their education.

Try to:- Talk with your child about the passage or book.

Read to your child.

Listen to your child reading.

Read with your child.

Remember that reading a book isn’t just about reading the words. We look for understanding and recall of stories and content, and to gain information. After all, that is why we read as adults.

Would you please ensure that your child has their reading book and reading record book with them every day.

Children who conscientiously tackle home learning derive great benefits in terms of progress, confidence and self-esteem.

In all cases of home learning, class teachers will endeavour to keep you informed of the work they have asked the children to undertake. Each teacher will provide, each half term, details of the work pupils will be undertaking during that half term and will also inform you of the class’ homework routines and expectations.