Please do not send children to school who are not well. A person suffering from diarrhoea and/or vomiting continues to excrete the virus for up to 48 hours after the disappearance of all symptoms. Hence, it is important that pupils do not resume normal activities, including attending school until 48 hours after all the symptoms have disappeared. This is a requirement of the Department of Public Health.

We are unable to administer short term medicines such as antibiotics to children and, of course, children must not administer the medicines themselves under any circumstances.

If a child is ill enough to warrant a course of antibiotics or any similar sort of medicine they should not really be in school. However, if your child has sufficiently recovered to attend school but still needs to finish the last dose or two of medicine then you are welcome to come to school at lunchtime and give it to your child yourself.

If your child requires long-term medication, it may be administered, if necessary, in school with the agreement of the Headteacher. You must sign and return a consent form, which you can get from the school office. All medication must be handed in to a member of school staff by an adult so that it can be stored appropriately.

Prescribed or other tablets must not be brought or sent to school. Cough ‘sweets’ and throat lozenges will be permitted but will require a written parental request.

If your child becomes ill during the school day, we will endeavour to contact you. We ask you to provide emergency telephone numbers so that you or a relative or friend can be contacted should the need arise.

Please inform the school immediately should your emergency contact numbers change.